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Reviews | glitterunicorn9 | LitPick Book Reviews
Book Reviews by glitterunicorn9
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A Stony Gaze is a picture book written from the perspective of a little boy. He is told that there is a monster in the woods by the name of Medusa. Rumors circulate that if you come across her, she will eat you or turn you to stone! Because of Medusa, people cannot go into the woods to hunt as they are afraid of her. They decide to burn down the woods to get rid of Medusa. While in the woods helpingĀ helping to set the trees on fire, the little boy runs into Medusa.

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Ava and her brother Noah have just finished school and are on their way to their annual camping trip with their parents. Their dad accidentally hits something with the car, and when he goes outside to check it, his hand gets caught in a wolf trap. Since they have no electronics with them, the family has no way to get help. Ava and Noah are forced to go out and look for anyone who is able to help them. While they are walking, they come across a mysterious cave.
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Ever since he was young, Clyde had a big interest in space. His father and uncle had taught him everything they knew about astronomy. Clyde's family owned a farm, but his dream for when he was older was to become an astronomer. Using instructions from a science machine and parts from farm machinery, Clyde built a better telescope than the ones available at the time. Eventually, Clyde got a job at Lowell Observatory as an amateur astronomer. There, Clyde helped with cleaning and was able to observe the sky during his extra time. Eventually, he thought that he had discovered a new planet!
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Ever since her neighbor Monsieur Rosenbaum has been taken by Nazis, Miriam Schrieber has been scared that her father would be taken in the same way. Miriam, or Miri, is a 12-year-old Jewish girl who is living in France after her house in Germany had been set on fire by Nazis. Even through her fear of those who she loves being taken away, Miri manages to enjoy a Jewish holiday called Gut Shabbos with her family and neighbors. However, the following day, news that the Germans are planning a round-up travels through the Jewish community.
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It's Just a Penny is a picture book that teaches young readers about money! The book starts by showing the different coins and bills we have in the US. Then, each bill and coin's value is explained, and the value is shown using other bills or coins. For example, a nickel is equal to 5 pennies. The book ends with explaining the smallest value coin we have - the penny! It explains how the penny is worth 1 cent, and how it costs more to make a penny than the value of a penny. Finally, the book gives a short Money Quiz for readers to check their new knowledge about money!
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After spending a summer in California, Lizzie is excited to get back to her life back home. She misses her room, her friends, and most importantly the magical house next door! Lizzie lives next to the Portal House, a magical house that has portals allowing people to travel all over the world. No one else in Lizzie's town except Lizzie and her friend Johnny know about the magic the house holds, but the past year an evil warlock named Oliver tried to steal the House's power. When Lizzie first gets back, she is excited.