Molly lives in rural Indiana where she works as a freelance writer and author. Molly has also been known to write the occasional quirky greeting card verse and some questionable poetry. Visit her website to learn more about current and upcoming writing projects as well as book release dates.
Author Molly Allman joins LitPick today for Six Minutes with an Author! Molly is the author of the books Mermaid’s Kiss, Flashes of Fiction Volumes 1-4, the YA short stories Alfred C. Bogeyman and Ally Ally Oxen Free, and the children’s books The Peanut Butter Treatment and Attack of the Dust Bunnies.
How did you get started writing?
I’ve always loved to write. All through school, I loved writing assignments, even simple things like using spelling words to create a story. It was fun for me.
I also wrote in notebooks that I kept to myself. One day my oldest daughter found my journal and asked me why I didn’t write anymore. I thought about it, but I really didn’t have a good answer. I told her I always said I was going to be a writer when I grew up. She said, “You should do it, Mom.”
After that conversation, she started sending away for information about college courses for writing, so I looked into it and decided to start college. I also joined an online writing group and got back into the groove of writing daily.
That was about 9 years ago. I now have my BA in writing and work as a freelance writer and author. I write daily now, for work and for fiction projects. I don’t know that I would have pursued it if it wasn’t for my daughter’s encouragement.
Who influenced you?
I love fantasy, sci-fi, and speculation fiction. Strange stories with bizarre twists or strange endings are my favorite. So, watching and reading the stories used in the television programs The Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and Tales from the Darkside have all influenced my writing.
Do you have a favorite book/subject/character/setting?
Growing up, Judy Bloom was my favorite author, but I loved to read all genres of books. I looked forward to RIF coming to my school, so I could pick out a new book, and joined the Young Hoosier Reading program in middle school. I was that nerdy girl in class that read the assigned novels for English class because I enjoyed them, not because I had to.
I have many favorite books, like To Kill a Mockingbird, The Other, and The Great Gatsby. I also love to read short stories. Ray Bradbury is one of all-time favorite short story writers.
What advice do you have for someone who wants to be an author?
It’s never too late to start writing.
Be open to advice and constructive criticism, but remember your story is ultimately your own, so don’t be afraid to go with your gut.
Once you are brave enough to share your work, don’t sweat the bad reviews. Writing, like other forms of art is subjective, so not everyone will like what you write.
Don’t give up if writing is your passion.
Where is your favorite place to write?
I like to stretch out on my couch with my laptop and write when I’m alone. I can sometimes tune out noises around me when writing, but I find I get more accomplished if I am in a room with only my thoughts.
What else would you like to tell us?
I would like to thank LitPick for inviting me to do this interview, and the student reviewers on the site for their reviews. Most of what I write is for kids, so it’s wonderful to get good feedback from younger readers.
Molly, thank you for joining LitPick for six minutes! Please convey our thanks to your daughter for encouraging you to become a writer!
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